
Friday 15 March 2019

The dessert of Kaupoi.

Image result for the dessert of kaupoiThis week we read the text of "The Desert Kaupoi" which was written by Ariana Tikao.
 A key idea of this text is Bravery. An example of Bravery was when a friend of John, McDonald got shot in the arm and his arm came of, with his mighty bravery he picked up his arm and threw it at the machine guns.
Another key idea in this text is Heroism. An example of Heroism is when the many brave and strong soldiers volunteered to sacrifice their lives to fight for there country.
My last key idea from this text is determination. An example of determination is when the soldiers were able to stay a soldier and to not back out. All the soldiers that volunteered knew that they there was going to be a possibility that they were going to die but they knew they were going to die fighting for there country.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stephney,
    you have really nice details in your piece of work but maybe next time you can add more writing to your description so that people can be more interested into you work but anyways, keep up the good work and you have amazing details.:)
